September 5-6, 2018
Stockholm, Sweden
MRMW is designed and crafted for consumer insight, analytics and market research professionals to stay up to date with the latest trends and innovations of Market Research Industry. The theme for MRMW 2018 is “The Rise of Digital Disruption”. MRMW Europe 2018 will be a premium gathering of research world’s leading thinkers who will be reinventing consumer insight and research strategies in the times of digital disruption. Find out how global brands like BBC, PepsiCo, IBM, Phillips, Ferrero, Bosch, and Volkswagen are winning through next-generation customer intelligence!
Date: September 5-6, 2018
Venue: Stockholm, Sweden
Registration Link: MRMW EUROPE 2018
AISM patrocina il MRMW (Market Research in the Mobile World) Europe 2018, tra i maggiori meeting internazionali focalizzati su mobile, innovazione e ricerca di marketing ad alta tecnologia .
Per i Soci è attivo un codice promozionale che consente di fruire dello sconto del 15% sulla quota di partecipazione.
Per saperne di più: Segreteria AISM